Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Things I have done on my time off during the summer

My office implemented reduce hours during the summer this year. Of course it came along with reduce pay but I won't complain about having my Friday's off during the summer at all. This coming Friday is the last one I'll have off and then it's back to a 40 hour week. Sniff...I'm getting sad about this.

Here's what I did...

1. Mowed the yard and cleaned my house.
2. Slept in till 8 am. Sometimes 9 am.
3. Watched daytime TV and realized it really sucked.
4. Signed up for Netflix.
5. Spun lots of fiber into yarn.

6. Spent time with my friend Carey eating sushi.
7. Spent time helping my friend Carey clean & move out of her old house into her new home.
8. Painted my bedroom.

9. Purging out my basement, yard and house in one massive dumpster.
10. Used my weekends for my family.

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