I haven't forgotten you although I have been paying more attention to the family blog lately, it's not you, it's me. I just get so wrapped up into what I'm doing and forget to tell you about the wonderful new yarn I'm been making.
At top is a cloud mohair yarn that I learn to love and hate at the same time. Mohair is goat fur and comes in short locks which can be a pain to spin up. It's so soft to hold but it's very slow when spinning up as I wrapped it around a cotton cord. Start up the wheel and stop the wheel just to manually spin the wheel to wrap the yarn around the bobbin. It also leaves a weird feeling on your hands like when you just put some very old lotion on your hands so your hands are soft but have that cake like feeling to them. For plying this type of yarn I'm taking some silk singles done earlier to do a 2 ply and all this is doing is basically holding the mohair down a bit on the cotton cord. Not sure what my plans are for it maybe some kind of cowl/scarf type of project since this yarn will be very bulky. In between spinning the mohair stuff up I've also been spinning some bluish-green carded wool. Since this stuff has been carded it's spinning quite easy but it also takes some practice. Doesn't take much for this wool to get thin on me quick since the fibers have been already carded, it causes the fiber to break easily on me when spinning.
I haven't forgotten my knitting, in fact I have two projects going on. First up is the Morning Surf Scarf by Jackie Erickson-Schweitzer.
It's being done in some handspun wool yarn done at an Sport weight on size 4 needles, it's the fiber I dyed a while ago using kool-aid. I haven't gotten far with it but so far I'm liking it. I'm also finishing up a wool stocking hat that is getting knitted from the top down. Although it's getting bigger and I know with the ribbing stitch pattern it will stretch but it still looks small to me.
So yarn blog, I've been busy with other little projects around the house but I haven't forgotten about you. I'm just lazy so deal with it.