When all else fails, do it old school.

This is a 2-ply Mauch Chunky wool on my Schacht drop spindle. It was spun into singles on the Babe spinning wheel but for some reason I wasn't in my plying groove Sunday night and yet again on Monday night. No matter what adjustments I made, I wasn't getting it right. I was wasting time and ruining my singles in the process. Total mess. No amount of soaking, adding weights or other tricks to get the over twist out would have helped on my stuff. Frustrated, I cut off the offending yarn and tossed it into the trash. I was to the point of just ignoring the singles and moving on to something else when I stopped myself and saw my spindle. There it was on the coffee table sitting between the empty popcorn bowl and a Minnie Mouse puzzle. At that moment I felt like Scarlett O'Hara in "Gone With The Wind" when she became empowered and declared she was never going hungry again. I picked up my spindle and declared I was never going to waste my singles. I wrapped the single around my hand for some Andean plying and about 20 minutes later I had a very nice 2-ply yarn with balance. Granted I know there are some spinners out there who are probably in shock with the idea of going back to a spindle to finish a single up when there is a perfectly good wheel just sitting there and I just needed to keep trying to find out what was going wrong and.....well that's just silly to me, after all the drop spindle taught me to spin in the first place. My wheel is great and is much faster than the drop spindle but there are reasons for me to go back to it now and again. One reason is simple, my 2-ply yarn on the drop looks much better than it did on the wheel, go figure? It may take me a bit longer to finish up the Mauch Chunky wool but it will get done.
A question on your plying frustration: Are you remembering to treadle clockwise while you are spinning your singles and then treadle COUNTERCLOCKWISE while you are plying? If you're trying to treadle the wrong way while plying, that could definitely lead to an overtwisted mess of yarn barf.
ReplyDeleteI thought that as well and tried it but the results were still the same. I've just determined that the single was cursed. I've taken the over twisted yarn and made a voodoo doll out of it.