For Christmas James order me a spinning wheel to take the next step in making my own yarn. Now I didn't get anything fancy or special, just a basic beginner's wheel to start learning on. I purchase a
Babe's Production wheel made out of PVC pipe that can be converted over to a scotch tension drive later on if I wanted too. I choose the PVC pipe spinning wheel for basically two reasons: 1) cost and 2) with a toddler running around, if one morning I found hello kitty stickers all over it, well I haven't made too much of an investment in it to freak out. As of right now, I'm still waiting for it to show up in the mail. Still waiting.....
My father has been working on converting an old sewing case into a spinning wheel for me as well. It's still a work in progress due to him trying to get all the beans out of the field first but as soon as he's done with the field, he'll be back on it.

I felt a little guilty ordering another wheel before he got this one completed but I thought for a minute and realized that anyone with a hobby has more than one piece of equipment to work their hobby on. I'm going to be no different than my mother who can't stop buying sewing machines or James and his video games. I'm sure once my father gets this wheel working for me, I'll have plenty of fiber to use on it.
I would love to see this when it is finished. I heard that it could be done, but I haven't seen a conversion.